Wood & Metal Frames

Classic Wood, Metal Frames, Gallery Style, and Exotic Wood  Frames available in many different finishes.

Framed prints come with an Acrylic surface to protect the print and comes ready to hang with a wire hanger. Frames made from wood mouldings also feature a black paper backing. Framed Prints 8x12 include a sawtooth hanger.

Classic wood Frames

Frames Flat Black 550px

1. Flat Black Frame

Frames Flat Walnut 550px

2. Flat Walnut Frame

Frames Flat Cherry 550px

3. Flat Cherry Frame

Frames Flat Mocha 550px

4. Flat Mocha Frame

Frames Flat Charcoal 550px

5. Flat Charcoal Frame

Frames Flat Natural 550px

6. Flat Natural Frame

Classic metal Frames

Metal Box Black Detail

7. Metal Frame-Black

Metal Box Silver Detail

8. Metal Frame-Silver

Metal Box Pewter Light Detail

9. Metal Frame- Pewter

Metal Box Pewter Dark Detail

10. Metal Frame- Dark Pewter